When and Why to Hire the Expert

You watch a TV special on landscape design (maybe Jerry Baker, master gardener, or one of those home improvement shows on HGTV) and think, “I can do that!” You go to your local garden shop, buy a bunch of flowers and plants, spend a day in the dirt, and then watch for six weeks as your new garden or landscape goes…absolutely nowhere.(Or worse: maybe everything dies!) There comes a time in every homeowner’s experience when you have to decide whether you are going to DIY it, or hire an expert.

Core Aeration

Unhealthy lawns are often a result of soil beneath the grass that is now compacted, which keeps oxygen, water, and nutrients from flowing down to the roots. Core aeration is a type of lawn aeration that reduces compaction by removing soil and thatch, the chief culprits of soil compaction, from a lawn. As a result, homeowners can hire companies that specialize in lawn care to bring out their equipment to clear the property of plugs and clogs, and then drive precise holes into the soil for maximum care.

Brighten Dreary Winter Landscapes with Native Plants

grass, frost, winter

Homeowners looking to brighten their properties should consider using native plants, which offer winter color and provide food and shelter to many over-wintering bird species. A colorful native garden alive with beautiful bird species might just be the remedy for those cold and dreary winter days!

Vegetable Gardens: Go Farm-to-Table!

vegetables, garden, harvest

Farmers and licensed growers of all kinds have been able to delight in living off of and enjoying the fruit of the land. But there’s no reason every homeowner cannot similarly enjoy the benefits of eating farm to table. Below we have offered just a few tips for how you can make eating off the land a nightly occurrence!

Four Kinds of Plants to Keep Mosquitoes Away

As summer approaches and the humidity rises, so too does the onset of one of Oklahoma’s most pernicious pests: mosquitoes. But sometimes the best antidote is the simplest and most natural one. When approaching eliminating pests, the best way to do so is often by using nature’s defenses.

Keeping Your Grass Green in Extreme Heat

Our lawn experts have provided the below tips to assist you and the grass problems that might arise during this time. Early morning watering helps the plants and lawn to prepare for the sun that day and soaks their roots, preventing burns. MOWING You might have noticed that if you are receiving lawn care services from us, we have changed our blade height in our lawn mowers, giving your grass a longer blade to aid in the heat. If you are mowing the lawn yourself, a weekly mow will also improve the health of your grass.

Forces of Nature and Your Landscape

It can be traumatizing and overwhelming to face these challenges alone. Once your home is determined safe, the next step should be to assess the outdoor property lines of your acreage. Adding more drainage to increase the flow of flooded areas will make a huge difference in the health of your lawn and foundation

The Last Cut

water droplets on green grass during daytime

You may be thinking about storing your mowers for their winter nap, but you should hold off at least until you have made sure that your lawn grass is ready for winter. It may be easy to ignore, but it’s important to remember that your last few mows will define how your lawn greets the winter months especially its height.

Climbing Flowers for Trellises

Landscaped designer lawn

When thinking about your landscape and the types of flowers and foliage you want to grow, it’s important to choose plants for the trellis that have the same water and light needs as the plants surrounding the structure.