Caring For Your Lawn In Wet Winter Weather

Published January 23, 2021

These are some basic tasks that sharp-eyed homeowners can perform to make sure that their homes and properties are free from the excess pools and puddles that can often overwhelm garden beds and lawns. If homeowners are willing to spend a little time and attention now, they may save themselves a great deal of time and money later. Not sure where to start? Schedule a consult with GreenPro Outdoor Services; we’d be happy to work with you!

We’ve seen a lot of freezing rain come through Oklahoma recently, which means that we could be facing not only a wet winter, but a wet and wild spring. As many homeowners know, caring for your lawn and property can be even more difficult when you’re contending not just with overgrowth and planting or replanting plants, but also dealing with excess moisture on your property.

GreenPro’s services include not only lawn care, but also maintenance around your entire property. As a result, we wanted to make sure you understand how best to properly care for your home and property in this wet winter weather.

Drain It Out

Oftentimes you may wind up with drainage problems throughout your property where water will gather. It’s amazing how fast a lawn can turn into a lake! As a result, now is a good time to survey your property and keep an eye out for any drainage problems. If the ground isn’t frozen, you should consider installing French drains and burying downspouts and drainage pipes, which will help relieve your lawn of flooding and allow for continued water circulation. Do whatever you can to make sure that any standing water is able to drain quickly and effectively!

Till That Soil

Because of harsh winter weather, the ground can often harden and freeze, making your lawn downright impervious to rain and snow water. As a result, you may want to consider utilizing GreenPro’s weekly lawn maintenance service to till your soil regularly. In addition to creating drainage, it also exposes buried insect eggs or larvae to hungry birds, keeping your lawn free of uninvited guests who might otherwise emerge around springtime!

Tend Your Water Lines

January is a good season to make sure that your water lines don’t have any water or weather damage. Water lines and hoses can harden and sometimes freeze, which will obviously affect irrigation both now and in the spring. It may be a good idea to hire GreenPro to inspect your irrigation system for any winter damage and make any needed repairs now, since burst water lines and hoses (especially below ground) can create excessive water waste.

Additionally, you should consider taking this time to inspect and repair any leaky or water-damaged sheds, porches, and garden structures. (It’s also a good idea to inspect home foundations for the same, since water damage can affect your home as well!)

These are some basic tasks that sharp-eyed homeowners can perform to make sure that their homes and properties are free from the excess pools and puddles that can often overwhelm garden beds and lawns. If homeowners are willing to spend a little time and attention now, they may save themselves a great deal of time and money later. Not sure where to start? Schedule a consult with GreenPro Outdoor Services; we’d be happy to work with you!