Sustainable Gardens

A small compost heap in a garden.

As humanity becomes more aware of connectedness between things, GreenPro clients are starting to ask how to incorporate sustainability principles into their outdoor designs and landscapes. Composting can be as simple as raking leaves over your garden when you put it to winter bed or as specific as indoor food composting with worm bins. GreenPro works with clients who want to prioritize sustainable living, not just in their garden, but on their property overall. There’s a ripple effect when you buy sustainable organic products from businesses that support sustainable gardening.

PSA: November 4, 2020 – Stolen Vehicle

GreenPro, LLC had a marked company vehicle stolen on November 4, 2020, around 8:30am near 41st and Garnett in Tulsa, OK. The theft was by people not affiliated with us in any way and the vehicle’s actions thereafter, of course, don’t reflect our company’s intentions.