Sprinklers and Irrigation

Published April 20, 2022

Let’s be honest: how many of us remember running through the old-school sprinklers that used to slowly move back and forth across the lawn? Or maybe you had the other old-school sprinkler system the spurt-spurt-spurt showerhead followed by the long whirr as it adjusted to a different part of the lawn? Maybe your parents watered the lawn the even-more-old-fashioned way: with a thumb over the tip of the hose.

Let’s be honest: how many of us remember running through the old-school sprinklers that used to slowly move back and forth across the lawn? You’d time it right and run through it, then wait and run back through it again. Or maybe you had the other old-school sprinkler system – the spurt-spurt-spurt showerhead followed by the long whirr as it adjusted to a different part of the lawn? Maybe your parents watered the lawn the even-more-old-fashioned way: with a thumb over the tip of the hose.

Whatever irrigation system you may have grown up with, fortunately, lawn irrigation systems are no longer living in the 80s or 90s. There are several new techniques and approaches to lawn irrigation that are more sophisticated and up to date, ensuring maximum lawn coverage with minimum water loss. GreenPro specializes in installing and updating irrigation systems, and we wanted to make sure you know what options you have as you consider your current irrigation system.

Automated sprinklers are an obvious trend for many if not most irrigation systems these days. They allow you to keep your grass, plants, shrubs, and trees looking better and lasting longer. Run by timers (and nowadays often smart technology), you can set them to run at certain times of the day and days of the week, and often adjust their water pressure level. This allows you to ensure that your primary landscape investment – your lawn – looks good year-round – even if you’re out of town.

Conservation is a crucial concern for many of our clients. As a result, many irrigation systems now feature smart controllers that can sense when it’s rained recently, and can adjust automatically in case the automated sprinklers should deactivate for some time. Additionally, we can even integrate your irrigation systems with your drainage systems or water features to conserve even more water.

Some landscapes may be better serviced by a drip line irrigation system rather than a traditional sprinkler system. Drip lines allow you to more easily water those hard-to-reach plants and shrubs that may be set a distance from your main water line or allow you to more easily regulate the flow of water. Some shrubbery is water-resistant or requires a more specialized form of watering, and drip lines can ensure that plants don’t drown because of too much water. There is no one-size-fits-all system when it comes to watering your property’s landscape!

Ideally, sprinkler systems are installed before sod is laid, saving time and money, and (more importantly) giving your lawn and plants fertile soil in which to establish their healthy roots quickly and early. However, GreenPro can install an automatic sprinkler system year-round, no matter whether the soil is new or not. We do recommend installing in early spring, however, when the grass is still dormant, to minimize the effect our digging and installing of the automatic sprinkler system has on your landscape and the growing season. (A late fall is also an option, though you will have to wait longer to see the results.) 

Services GreenPro provides include:

  • Sprinkler system installation
  • Sprinkler head repair
  • Sprinkler head optimization
  • Drip irrigation (for pots or locations sprinklers cannot reach)
  • Smart controllers

At GreenPro we pride ourselves on our ability to work with our clients to discern their specific needs when it comes to the most up-to-date irrigation systems. We’d be happy to consult with you to help you discover the best system that would work best for you and your lawn; why not call us today?