Your Home’s Moment of Zen: Water Features

Published February 25, 2022

With a multitude of options to choose from, and with proper placement, water features can add a unique and life-giving aspect to your property. The peace that can come from having a body of water simply flowing in the background can be a fantastic addition to any back yard design.

We’re used to the concept that water is good for our bodies – for hydration and preservation, for example. What we may not know however is that water is also a calming, peaceful way to relax. Studies have even shown that listening to moving bodies of water (such as a waterfall or a rippling brook) can decrease stress.

With that in mind, Green Pro is happy to provide our clients a feature that you may not have considered when first seeking us out as your lawn care specialists. With a multitude of options to choose from, and with proper placement, water features can add a unique and life-giving aspect to your property. From Koi ponds to waterfalls to flowing clay pots, there are a variety of features you can use to add value, serenity, and a sense of β€œZen” to your property. Green Pro’s experience at installing each of these features means that we will work with you to decide the type of feature that is best for you!

One of the most common issues that homeowners deal with is industrial noise. From airplanes to cars to motorcycles, often your home’s peace is disrupted by the sounds of your surroundings. A water feature, however, can eliminate or greatly reduce those sounds by instead providing you with the sound of a bubbling brook or subtle waterfall. The energy of the water can often literally bury other sounds in a pond or water feature, replacing the white noise of the city with the white noise of water falling.

Serenity is also a key desire for homeowners looking to relax on their property. The peace that can come from having a body of water simply flowing in the background can be a fantastic addition to any backyard design. Simply sitting out on your back yard or patio, relaxing, and listening to water flowing can be a peace-filled way to finding a moment of calm or clarity – for both you and your guests.

Additionally, from a design perspective, back yards often suffer from a lack of a fixed focal point; there’s simply nowhere for the eye to focus. A water feature, by contrast, can center your entire lawn design around a unique and innovative element, providing a focus for lighting design as well as a natural connection point to nature.

Water features also provide a degree of diversity in terms of their ability to be integrated into several different landscape designs. Whether hardscape or softscape, it’s easy for Green Pro to integrate a design aesthetic with a water feature that can often elevate a lawn concept even further.

Clients are sometimes concerned about having a water feature year-round. While flowing water won’t freeze in a typical Oklahoma winter, most of our clients choose to turn their water features off in October or November. Come February, Green Pro will double-check your water line and turn them back on.

Water features are sometimes the secret weapon to a good lawn design – they can focus on a design aesthetic or provide a new approach to lighting, but more than anything they can provide a peaceful, centering quality to your property. Call Green Pro today; our specialists will be happy to work with you to install a water feature that can keep your home feeling peaceful all year long.